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Thursday, November 11, 2010


The Mafia games are probably one of the most entertaining single-player games out there in my opinion. They tend to keep me on my toes, not knowing what is going to happen next. I remember in the first game, the cars and the driving experience was the most memorable. It has a totally unique driving simulation set apart from any other game such as the Grand Theft Auto series. Perhaps it's because of the huge mass + weak horse power from the cars makes this happen; but 2K GAMES has the physics right.

Mafia II took me by surprise. You start off in Italy, fighting Mussolini's army which I did not expect at all, I thought I was going to jump right into the Italian-Mafia scene in the streets of Empire Island. It starts off slow, doing petty little thefts across town, but then it really starts to pick up when you start stealing from banks and mowing down cops in the effort to make an escape.

The look and feel of this game is perfect. The graphics are nicely done and the game-play is smooth as butter. Some scenes and buildings are reused from the 1st Mafia, but I don't mind that at all...a bit of nostalgia if you ask me.

Some of the improvements I enjoyed compared to the previous Mafia, is they finally have a waypoint-mapping system, where you won't get lost in the city, and you can finally toggle taking cover behind obstacles which really come in handy in those sticky situations.


Overall I recommend this game to anybody that what's a realistic-feel of what it is to be apart of the Mafia during the late 40s-50s.

Here's some game-play action of what it means to be a WW2 veteran and a mafia member.


  1. Man that looks sick!!! When do you think it's coming out for the iphone? :) FYI...I was a huge GTA fan.

  2. I'm glad they fixed the whole map issue. That was always a pain.

  3. Been meaning to try this out, thanks for the review!

  4. Looks nice but doesn't appeal. Call me old-fashioned but I prefer killing Nazis.

  5. game looks awesome. I loved the 1st one.

  6. Mafia 2 is just awesome ..but I still prefer GTA :p

  7. Not a huge fan of the mafia series in general

  8. I was in the mafia once. In a dream.

  9. it look great, it has some awesome moments but overall there are some aspects that just work.

  10. that looks hella fun to play

  11. Not bad, but I rather GTA

  12. i always thought the mafia games were just a sellout game company. maybe i will try this one out! thanks

  13. looks so much classier than the gta games!

  14. I've been thinking of picking up this game for a while now.

  15. Never really got into Mafia but the visuals are excellent.

  16. Mafia 1 was such a cool game, 2nd one's gotta be as good hahah. =P

  17. Mafia 2 is a great game and I love seeing DLC being released so soon after it came out.

  18. Whoa, that blue car almost looks real.

  19. It's nice when companies produce good single player seems to be a dying breed, lately.

  20. I'm thinking about getting this game but I'm just not too sure yet.

  21. awesome post, post another soon

  22. dude that game looks sick! must try that! great screenshots too, damnnnn...

  23. I've heard good things about this game, have yet to play it.

  24. I actually enjoyed the first one.

  25. i was a huge fan of the first one. i'd pick up this game, but i need to wait for the price to go down lol

  26. i wanted to, but really couldn't get into this game.

  27. there was some HUGE advertisement for this game. interesting post, i might have to check it out
