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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LimeWire Shutdown for Good?

After all the lawsuits LimeWire encountered over the years, they have finally lost late last month by the RIAA.

(The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is a trust that represents the recording industry distributors in the United States. Its members consist of record labels and distributors, which the RIAA say "create, manufacture and/or distribute approximately 85% of all legitimate sound recordings produced and sold in the United States".)

Will this stop illegal file sharing all together? Hell no.

This lawsuit will obviously hurt LimeWire in continuing with their service, especially the paying customers of LimeWire Pro.

RIAA has been fighting all kinds of lawsuits against piracy, and has been successful, but the time it took them to finally get the servers shut down, various new services arise to piraters. P2P networks and torrent sites are still alive and online of course and the individually targeting each individual site will never work.

Lately I've been able to still connect to the LimeWire ultrapeers using other P2P software such as "Cabos" which is completely free to download. I think they just put a hold on their website that is distributing their LimeWire software.

LimeWire is going to suffer chapter 7 and chapter 11 Bankruptcy.

Piracy can never be stopped.


  1. Yeah, but going after Limewire was like hunting with a wounded animal. It's not like this wasn't eminent.

  2. But if they shut down limewire, then where will 12 year olds get all their viruses from?

    I'm so glad I am not a huge music person.

  3. Yeah i heard about this. I went and uninstalled Limewire and everything lol.

  4. i have never us limewire before :)

  5. Makes me angry that courts will go after ppl pirating music but not people actually committing serious crimes and esp not going after people who pirate things other then music.

  6. i never used limewire even when it was popular a few years ago.

    anyway, sorry for not getting back to your blog man... been kinda lazy lately! lol

  7. never can stop internet freedom:P nobody

  8. 1. who uses limeware anyway
    2. f*ck RIAA !

  9. it's best not to update it, every update seems like their trying to finish it..

  10. I laughed tremendously at the picture :D

  11. I never used this program either... just Bitorrent

  12. nice blog,,interesting post..:)

  13. wtf whats limewire lulz... isnt that like internet explore , who uses that shit xD
    and ya fuck the RIAA....greedy basards

  14. Hmm i don't know wat to think. i am cunfus.

  15. they cant shut down limewire!!

  16. I never used you, Limewire, but RIP anyway.

  17. Does the RIAA and other companies like it not realize that most people who download a song most likely would not have bought it. Do they really think this type of behavior is going to sway people to do what they want.

  18. Who needs these type of downloaders anymore. They were only good for music, which you can use spotify or grooveshark for now.

  19. The fall of Limewire has been a long time coming. Nearly every intelligent pirate switched to torrents years ago.

    Limewire is a relic of an earlier time, it seems.

  20. whats the problem, we still have torrents, right?

  21. limewire? oh well, now were will all those junior high school kids go to get their stuff? the store seems unlikely.

  22. They need to better privatize the model! Then the RIAA won't be able to find anything!

  23. I think everyone stopped using limewire after the 8th grade anyways.

  24. mmm, not even using limewire and can't get why anyone would use it, not really a good prog imo. but it's an interesting post nontheless

  25. Haven't touched Limewire since high school haha, I don't think the RIAA's going to gain anything from shutting it down.

  26. R.I.P. Limewire, I used it a long time and ago and I remember it was full of viruses

  27. haha limewire sucked with all of the viruses.

  28. I fucking hate riaa.. they're like teh fat-ass cheap ugly kid that has all the toys and doesnt want to share with anyone

  29. No loss to me, I never used it. There are so many other places to find what you are looking for.

  30. Yeah its a shame limewires down, but I believe that their are better ways to download, torrentz, dirpy, etc so this will not really impact the file sharing comunity.

  31. Goodnight sweet prince

  32. just get frostwire! its the new thang

  33. Welp the way I see it..until the pirate bat go's down I don't care.

  34. havent used limewire in... heck must be DECADES! sucks it's gone though

  35. thats intense. limewire has been around for a while now...

  36. Stopping one only starts ten more.

  37. RIAA are bitches, I wish some people would do something about them and other antipiracy smut

  38. never liked it full of viruses

  39. I never used it, I rater Ares of Songr =)

  40. wow good job shutting down limewire. About 7 years too late, but still. nice try.

  41. wuut... good that i didn't use limewire.

  42. Well anyone still using limewire
    is a slowpoke!

  43. Meh, P2P's suck anyways.

  44. That pic of the kid on the computer made me laugh - I just posted something on my blog the other day about a judge allowing some jacklegs to sue a 4-year-old. Not her parents, but the kid. They're coming for your piggy banks, kids! Watch out!

  45. I never used Limewire. I mean, I wouldn't steal a car, why would I download a song? Right?

  46. I agree with SWOOP! ... this thing is a Hydra.

  47. a sad day for the internet....

    now to go google how to connect to the limewire system with some other p2p client...

    or wait... screw this... ill just use torrents

  48. common lets have another update please!

  49. well, considering the amounts of illegal stuff I think it was clear that they had to go down at some time

  50. whatever, torrents are where it's at!
