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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


No offense at all to MAC-users, they are very well built and durable but wayyy over priced in my opinion, but if you have the money to drop on a MAC there is nothing wrong with that.

At my university there is a huge population of MACFAGS. Not just mac users but full-on MACFAGS! Let me define a "MACFAG"...
A MACFAG is someone who purchases an apple laptop for the sole purpose of showing it off in coffee shops and in their classes, because it's sleek/shiny and the fact that it costs $2000 if not $3000. Another attribute that defines a MACFAG is the fact that they want to be different and scoff at the idea of compatible software.

This is just completely silly to me to spend so much money on this "look". I can get a much faster and stronger PC Laptop for half the price of a MACBOOK. It's rediculous, Steve jobs is a fucking GENIOUS!!! People take note of what the fuck he does because it's obviously working LOL

So in my daily schedule...I go to my local coffee shop that is full of macfags, the smell of macfagness reaches all the way fucking down the street. I get a coffee and sit down in the middle of the macfagness and whip out my Sony Vaio, boot up Linux and start working on my projects in JAVA. FEELS GOOD MANG

Here's to sum it up:


  1. tru dat.

    they are well crafted but way too pricy.

    but the biggest flaw is this forced I-need-to-show-it-to-everyone-hipster-attitude surrounding apple products.

  2. greatest post bro i really like this ;)

  3. I am winfag, not a fan of macfags

    a do you know if your friend has an iphone? HE FUCKING WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT :L happy posting

  4. You just don't understand! The world is a horrible place and sometimes you just need to take your over priced laptop to a public place and write in your internet journal about how America is a Capitalist nation and all of it's inhabitants are sheeple, whilst sipping on fancy coffee with like minded indiviuals all wearing the same clothes.

    I've always been curious about linux.

  5. Protip: Buy a stolen Macbook Pro. Mine was only 600 bucks.

  6. should of also added the picture where theres a PC and an MAC and so it says oh my web-cam broke i'll just send it in to get it fixed, while on the MAC you have to send the whole computer monitor in.

  7. I've never gotten linux to sent out glowwy white tendrils...I dunno why.

  8. Technology fan !

    NICE !Supportin!Following !

  9. i had an argument with my bro on pc vs mac, i need some comeback , thanks i got some now =)


  10. excellent cartoon.. also, macs smell of elderberries...

  11. the one thing keeping me away from the mac is the price.

  12. Thanks for the comments, mate, I appreciate them so much. This post really got my attention, the picture was worth 9 words or so. Picture words, which are worth alot more.

    I laughed at every... single... one. It's so true, in every way. Keep up the amazing, entertaining content comrade!


  13. LOL totally feeling you on this i think teh same thing.

    that image is hilarious. but seriously only the windows and the linux point of views in that pic are the ones that are close to the truth.

  14. Totally true!! hahaha Im glad to see we agree. Pic saved :P

  15. I definitely agree, I love my Toshiba and it was less than $500. Mac can kiss my ass XD

  16. I can't believe such a feud exists. But I support Linux and Win, Mac seems bad.

  17. ha I love the pic and couldn't agree more

  18. There's a reason why I'm trying to switch from Windows to Linux. Apparently once you change, you can't go back.

    But I don't have the time to learn it... :'(

  19. love my mac, pc's are so clunky.

  20. the picture says it all, pc user here. also poor person here

  21. They ARE overpriced. It's pretty much fact.

  22. lol I love the picture xD !!! keep going ...

  23. IDK i'd rather just keep my PC seems simple enough

  24. LOL! the picture has all the reason, and It's funny because it's true. I I'm a Windows user and I think that Linux is a complicated OS hard to use.

  25. I hate macs cant stand them especially the people who use them, not all but some are so annnnoyinggg

  26. I bought a brand new macbook pro for like 500...from a friend. NEver buy them directly from the apple store. You'll go broke forever. Nice blog!

  27. Hehe I'm definetely a mac user, not a MACFAG ;)

  28. i just run the 2000 dollar mac OS on my 500 dollar PC


  29. This picture always make me laugh! :P

  30. Thanks for the insightful comments on my last blog post!

  31. ive got a mac, and i think this is friggin hilarious hahaha

  32. I have to use a Mac at work. On a management level, they are easy to support. From a hardware level, I hate them for being so damn expensive to fix.

  33. Hilarious post. I love the idea of Ubuntu and it has plenty of uses, but I need me my Adobe CS and Windows games. I know I could use WINE and such but they aren't for me. Windows 7 is actually somewhat decent. And Mac can suck it. The end :D
